St Michael’s is an urban congregation with many dreams for our what neighborhood can become. However, St Michael’s is also a small community with very limited resources. In order for us to do God’s work in Trenton, we need your help.
If you have a dream for a project we can do together, or if are looking for a place to serve others, email us at [email protected]. If you have financial resources to help our cause, please click HERE to choose from a menu of our ten-year WISH-LIST.
We are preparing for the 250th anniversary of the founding of our country. 1776 was just the beginning, and our church warden played a major role in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 (see the David Brearley Legacy).
And whether or not you donate, please pray for us as we discern God’s call to prayer, compassion, and justice.
Thank you for your support!