The independent 501c3 is dedicated to developing St. Michael’s as a heritage site and in support of its objective of becoming a hub for educational activities for the people of Mercer County and beyond.
The first phase of St. Michael’s transformation will be to install signage telling the many stories of the church. This includes the creation of a small David Brearley exhibit in the Parish House entrance directly adjacent to David Brearley’s grave and a set of educational panels in the North plot. Most importantly, the site will utilize QR-codes as a way to access audio-visual 1st-person narratives of the people who have made made St. Michael’s what it is.

Organization of the Friends of Old St. Michael’s Trenton
The 501c3 will act as the umbrella for the transformation of the St. Michael’s facility into a community educational hub promoting a knowledge of our shared past, of science and ambitions for the future, as well as a renewed faith in the role of religion in society.
Possible organizational plans would be to be staffed by a 10% part-time director/fundraiser ($10,000/y) and a full-time administrator ($50,000/y) who could provide tours on an as-needed basis. Group tours could be for a reasonably priced donation to the facility fund.