It began during COVID when similar prayer walls were cropping up to help people deal with their isolation and fear through the pandemic. Trinity Episcopal, Princeton was reaching out in a ministry to Trenton. when our fencing was ripped out by a tractor trailer trying to make a U-turn. Trinity offered to pay for a prayer wall to cover the damage until the fence could be fixed. Painted by Trenton’s beloved street-artist Leon Rainbow, Trinity’s deacon Phil Unetic came up with the idea of colored prayer tags. Four years later, when the pandemic prayer walls are all down, this one remains and is a fixture in downtown Trenton, where passersby continue to stop and read the prayers left on colored tags before scribbling a prayer of their own.

Our thanks to Princeton’s Trinity Church for building the wall, but we’ve been blessed to maintain it. From month-to-month we take the prayer cards down to transcribe them into our church bulletin as part of Prayers of the People; and we send the transcript to Trinity for their youth program to pray on. Then the prayer cards are put back up until the rains and winds take them down again. And more colored tags soon appear..

Prayers from the WALL

THE FOLLOWING have been taken from three random church bulletins (2022, 2023, 2024). They were transcribed verbatum as best as possible, but not checked for the transcriber’s non-existent Spanish.

  • God I thank you for every thing you did for me and my family
  • Bless Trenton and God bless You
  • Heavenly Father, Thankyou for my Life. Please continue to bless me and my entire family, In Jesus Name Amen.
  • No matter how hard life feels at this moment, there’s always someone who would trade their life to have your problems.  It’s only temporary as long as you have hope in your heart.
  • I’m not OK mentally and I can’t tell anyone because it’s hard to tell anyone. I need a prayer to help me fix that. Also a prayer for hoe in my life.  All of this at the age of 19.
  • Love Peace and Happiness
  • I thank God for all he have given me my house family and soon to be car and that I’m not on the street.
  • Save Mya God Bless me and girlfriend forever love
  • I hope that me and my family get a place I hope that I’m able to find a nice job for me and my kids. I hope that my life will continue to get better ever day I wake up in Jesus name. Amen. Sincerely Yahweh S……s
  • I’m currently skipping school right now. School isn’t for me and never will be. I’m doing this alone.
  • I need a job. George
  • I pray that the lord protect my family through sickness and health including the ones I love DC
  • God help me to find a stable job close to my home A job with a high salary. Amen. Eleni
  • On our worst days Jesus always remains the same.
  • L.C.J. Always love our family
  • May Allah keep you safe with grace and mercy
  • Please fray for and bless my brother in law who has been diagnosed with cancer at the age of 35. He has two young children. Thank you.
  • Prayers go up. Blessings come down.
  • Please pray for me my relationship with Sherry and for my kidneys and my blood pressure and I really love Sherry with all my heart. She is my heart. J.B.
  • Always keep the faith. PRAY! Blessings to all. PRAY! Cassie C….h
  •  Thank you Lord for all your blessings and keeping me healthy.
  •  Dear Lord; Please watch over me and my family. The world needs you bad. We don’t know what we are doing. These kids are not thinking right. Thank you Lord, Amen.
  •  Lord help my family because my sister loss her Dad.
  •  Be yourself. Never let no one change you.
  •  Please stop everything. The killing. I miss my family. Love & kisses. Yorbia D…h
  •  Prayer for Linwood Marshall & Stacey P….e
  •  Prayer for David H. Stacey P…e
  •  Oh Father God. Let your shining face lite over Trenton. N.G. Eache and everyday with “Love”.
  • Blessing in your Honor. Love Lawrence
  •  Sometimes it’s the small things in life that make you the happiest.
  • Praying for Peace, Love and Health to All.
  •  Prayer for Montane C….n-P…e.
  •  Dear God, I hope bad stuff stops happening. I want you to tell the ones that passed I love them
  • and I miss them. Love & Kisses. Keke
  •  Stop the violence and embrace the beauty of each other. Enjoy this life and make the most of it. Maj Alysia H. Mey
  • I pray that I am successful in my ttc journey. Love – Alysia
  •  Jesus Christ thank you for everthing. Your awesome. Proud to be your child. I love you.
  • Dear father Pray for me with better health better Life Amen Katy F.
  • God is so good to me.
  • God Bless Bobby, Father
  • Stay Focus Real Family & Love
  • To God be the Glory Life and death is in the Power Ur Tough In Jesus Name Amen Speak Life over our Neighbors Life
  • Bless me and my mom and the rest of my family and the world – Harry R……n
  • Please God Help me Please with My Wife
  • For the hopeless that they may find and know t6hat they are loved
  • Bless my family w/a house very soon and to be stable soon.
  • Hurry Pl thank God for helping me get my life together love you father bless my family
  • Please pray for Harry *& Brennan
  • I hope better for me and my family  Plz let some money in my hand
  • For all the children that are suffering God have mercy
  • I pray for Scarlett Ingrid J……..n to be my wife, I Reginald Ray W……e
  • Bless my Family and Friend My Lord Jesus Christ [Loud Jeuse Chist]    Mark
  • God bless everyone!! Stop Killing us
  • Dear Lord all I want is to get better for my kids  J.L.   Depression is bad
  • I know you’re tired of struggling. Baby you’re still here!!
  • Pray that Norman & Loretta come closer to God
  • I pray God Bleses those that need help that are on drugs!  I lost my mother to an over dose a years ago I’m only 42! Please pray for those dying from drugs!  Thank you!!
  • In this life, you have to remember that anything’s possible.  All  your dreams hopes and aspiration will come true Just be kind and intentional to the world.
  • First love you father my God Miss my Bro Bru + Rest in Peace love you.
  • Dear God Please pray for me and my love Donna P………y Eddie S…….a
  • Prayer for the Teel Family. God Bless Thank you
  • Peace is always attainable cuz it lies within you. Holly C
  • God Bless you and He Cares for you Allen!
  • Dear Lord, Will you Please Deliver me from the thieves and persecutors the stalkers and rapists the liars and adulterers. Please help me to prosper and keep a safe happy home. Please make me be loved welcomed and protected by my family . Thank you Love Angie
  • Beseech God to Reveal what happened to Monique Collins & Why in Jesus Name I Pray Amen
  • Gracias a dio por tenerme con vida
  • Note of Hope World Peace
  • Tp Fins a place to stay move before my time is up in July for family to be close to be better off with housing for me to move find real love family all of us close do things together
  • My strength and acknowledgement of God
  • Dear Father help us to help you father Father Please Help us Thank you Lord
  • Gracias Dios x por un dia mas de vida y dornos salud a todo m familia
  • HP for EW To tell me the truth about his health were he stays at and why he left
  • Dear God Please let my granddaughters Kulee and Harmony and Dior be really close together get along start speaking like sisters, and God please let me find an apartment  place to live so I won’t become homeless.  Thank you for successful in my endeavor’s Please Lord give me strength guide Art to do all my repairs in my house and strength to keep it clean and pain until I have to move  for my lawsuit
  • I need money
  • Happiness and freedom
  • Please prayful my kidneys, my high blood pressure and prostate, and my relationship with Sherry R I really love her Jeff B
  • Love God
  • Michael 18 I pray I get the love of my life back …I’m too young to be going throu this I need her pls!
  • Dear Terel and  Cory I love you I miss you continue watching over the family Tell grandma I said hey lady and don’t party too much with Aunt Serena.  Love Daisha B
  • Dear God Protect my understanding I might have of your spirit from the will to simplify it to my stupidity
  • In your name Jesus I pray that your will be done
  • God Please help me strengthen my family, so we can be close again
  • Graci & La vida y salud y todo io a nos das
  • Gracias Dios por otro dia de salud y vida para mi y mi famia  Amen
  • Pray for Salvation for Fenderson family thank you
  • Please Please God Help me with my wife and kids
  • Yalah, please don’t let my ovaries be broken Amen   Please let my daughter grow up to be big and strong healt hAmen
  • The greatest campaign we will ever be able to run 4 our own lives No selfish conn-tation here I’m running for My Life
  • Requesting prayer I need strength and guidance and housing
  • Prayer for the Fenderson Family Thankyou
  • Dear heaven father I love god he help me out a lot he is getting me through every thing amen
  • I just lost a good friend Neice Please Pray for her soul. And Her loved ones
  • Please pray for Loretta & Norman Glory Be to God
  • Please pray for Loretta & Norman that they proper in their  love a& respect for Jesus, and believe in his devine power & love. Please pray that God’s will be done &show Norman * Loretta do they’re part in it
  • Dear Lord, Jesus You are my salvation my heart my life!
  • I am in dire crisis I need your immediate attention to change everything in my life
  • Applications get me get soon SSI approves me Rapid Rehouse OAK still available, Jerri W…..d Bless my 4 children 609 554 4773
  • God has called his child…your home now.  Stay Blessed amen
  • Pray for good health Blessings, Please pray for my loved ones.
  • God Bless Stella & Larry.. Your son, David XOXO
  • Came to visit. Hope to return to stay.
  • I pray that my Bubba Princess OTSS comes home and back to me and that he still loves me.
  • Love one another
  • I pray that life will get better than what it has been lately Amen
  • I believe in you.  I believe in me. I believe we are love.
  • Keep my Capricorn and me safe through this battle. Amen.
  • God bless me & get me out of my misery.
  • I request Peace and hope in this world we have more love [I request and hope we have more love & peace in this world]
  • I hope my money will be there today. Johnny ?
  • O Lord help me get better physically and mentally. Bless me financially, your son Eugene
  • I pray for my family stay in good health in Jesus name Amen
  • I pray that God pour out his spirit among his children , and that they receive his grace, love, mercy in Jesus Christ Name, Amen!!!
  • Prayer for your Love Lord Jesus Christ me Lord.–Mark.  Love you Mom dad Grand Mom and Grand Dad Family and Friend
  • Lord Please bless my family & home. Please bind the spirit of poverty over me & my family
  • My name is S… M…….n. I want to request a prayer for my life to get my criminal record clean, custody of my two kids my sons Julius and Jakobe and Section 8 help with housing and more money
  • Please pray for me my kidneys, my high blood pressure, my prostate, my relationship with Sherry R she is the best woman that has ever come in my life…in the name of Jesus Christ Praise God Amen. Jeff B
  • Am homeless I need 3 thousand -Patty Cake
  • Pray 4 Renee BilaL & Alex BilaL de MaLik = thank you, Sassy
  • My prayers are that the World finds the True & Only Way – Unite with Jesus, be better to your Fellow Men & Women. DHall April1
  • My prayer are for those of us suffering from afflictions, demonic warfare. Those without housing or relatives April12,2022
  • Lord, Help me find peace in my mind
  • Prayers for brother and sisters in Ukraine\
  • I pray that God help me to over come my shorty comings and I find forgiveness.  Oh can you find me a better place to live God, Thanks. PS Richard T…….r